Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chapter 7

Any questions on Chapter 7 material? Ask them here.


Anonymous said...

During our review class Friday, could you sum up chapters 6 and 7 like you did for our midterms please?

Scott McIndoe said...

Yes, that's what I plan to do.

Anonymous said...

Quiz number 8 is due by the end of tomorrow according to Mastering Chemistry. You didn't mention anything about it in class the past couple of days, so I'm wondering if this is true. Thanks!

Scott McIndoe said...

Oh. I thought it was due last Sunday! See http://web.uvic.ca/~chem101/quizzes.html. But maybe the course coordinator extended the deadline.

Anonymous said...

Quiz 7 was due last Sunday on Ch.6, this is Quiz 8 on chapter 7 and Mastering Chem says it's due tomorrow:)

Scott McIndoe said...

Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

Are we expected to memorize the structures and uses of the sample addition and condensation polymers on pages 95 and 96 of the lecture book?

Scott McIndoe said...

No, certainly not. But you DO need to be able to recognize an addition vs. a condensation polymer, and to work out the monomer units used to make a given polymer.

Anonymous said...

One of the Masteringchem problems says
"If you want to dope GaAs to make an n-type semiconductor with an element to replace Ga, which element(s) would you pick?"
The answer given is Ge, but I thought that for an n type you need an element that has more valence electrons than the element being doped. Is As not the element being doped?

Scott McIndoe said...

"with an element to replace Ga" is the clue. You need to add an element that has one more electron than Ga, hence Ge.

Anonymous said...

On the chapter seven quiz, a question was "Nylon is formed by the reaction of a __________ with a __________."

I answered diamine and dicarboxylic acid. However, the correct answer was diamine and diacid. I think my answer is correct, but because a computer marks the quiz I didn't get it right because the wording was slightly different.

Is my answer correct, and if it is, how do I get the mark?

Anonymous said...

WHAT?! This quiz was due LAST night?! What a cheap trick! How underhanded! The lows to which you chemists will stoop to!

Was it so wrong for me to absent-mindedly assume it was due on the same night as every previous quiz?! With final exams looming, and final assignments due, is it not clear how the assumption could be made, and the double-check not?

To lose 1% of my grade for such an understandable mishap, with the fault lying firmly at someone else's feet?! My grade has now been unfairly relegated to the 99%! I can't be the only one! I demand justice!

Scott McIndoe said...

Re: answer - I've informed the course coordinator, and he will make the necessary correction.

Re: extreme (mock?) outrage. I'm surprised no one is yelling at me for telling them the quizzes were due LAST Sunday (which is what the website says). Effectively, you've all had a 6-day extension!

Anonymous said...

are there answer keys for the two past exams given in our lab manual? just wondering cause practice exams are not terribly useful without answers.

Anonymous said...

Is there any way that we can get the deadline of last nights quiz, on the chapter 7 material extended a day or two? Many people didn't know there was a quiz due this week, and others assumed it was due Sunday night like all of the others.

Anonymous said...

I also assumed it was due Sunday night. Maybe you view it as a 6 day extension, but we didn't complete the material in class in time to write the quiz at the same time as the second last quiz. Just completely forgot, apparently I'm not the only one. Kind of crappy right before the final.

Anonymous said...

I am very confused as to why quiz 8 was due on saturday instead of sunday, as was every other quiz we've done. But i guess i should have paid closer attention to the due dates

Anonymous said...

Are semiconductors classified as covalent-network solids?

Scott McIndoe said...


Anonymous said...

I also assumed the final quiz would be due on a sunday. BALLS

Anonymous said...

Just want to say Thanks Dr. McIndoe! You were a great teacher and made class so much fun :)

Scott McIndoe said...

Hey, thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed it.